Pharmacy Funding

Funding 2019/20 to 2023/24

In July 2019, PSNC, NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSE&I) and the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) agreed a five-year deal for community pharmacies, guaranteeing funding of £2.592bn per year until 2023/24.


The briefings below provide an overview of the distribution of funding during the course of the four years and more detail for 2020/21.

PSNC Briefing 028/19: Information on the community pharmacy contract settlement and funding for 2019/2020 to 2023/24 – Community Pharmacy England (

PSNC Briefing 010/20: Community Pharmacy Funding in 2020/21 – Community Pharmacy England ( (new)

Learn more about the five-year CPCF deal on our dedicated webpage.

Pharmacy funding under the national framework is distributed in two ways: i) fees and allowances, and ii) retained buying margin.


For more information please click here  Pharmacy funding – Community Pharmacy England (