BP Service Resources for Surgeries

It is important for pharmacy teams and surgery teams to be on the same page as far as NHS priorities are concerned. This summary Microsoft Word – QoF 2023-2024 Surgery QoF Resource Community Pharmacy BP Checks of QoF Domains referencing Blood Pressure Checks helpfully shows how this service can be harnessed to the advantage of practice and patients.

Have a discussion with your local pharmacist and clarify local communication processes and practical team-working methods that work well for your surgery and the pharmacy.

Confirm your local pharmacy nhs.mail addresses to support Surgery to Pharmacy patient referrals. Use the template at bottom of the page. (until a Prism Form is ready)
IMPORTANTLY please also discuss and confirm your preferred Pharmacy to Surgery referral processes should a very high blood pressure be detected.

Discuss local pharmacy capacity for referrals, perhaps 6 per week, and so establish a plan to work towards the various QoF targets.

Surgeries, please refer patients by secure NHS.net mail. (suggested template below)

To: pharmacy.AB123@nhs.net [various pharmacy addresses are in SystmOne drop-down box]
Subject: Referral for a Pharmacy Blood Pressure check service
Details: Patient Name, DoB, NHS Number, Telephone Number.
I am referring this patient to you for:
• Their Blood Pressure to be Checked (Clinic Check)
• 24-Hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM)

Insert: Surgery Signature Strip and name of person referring