Advanced Services

These are optional services that pharmacies can choose to provide. They are nationally set and specified, and the option to provide them is open to all community pharmacies, provided they meet certain minimum requirements. The advanced services currently commissioned through the contract framework include flu vaccination, the New Medicine Service (which aims to help patients understand and make best use of a newly prescribed medicine), and the recently developed Pharmacy First (which allows certain other parts of the health system to refer patients to community pharmacy for some urgent care needs like emergency medicines supply and as well as for some minor illness needs)

To find out about more about the nationally commissioned advanced services click here.

  1. National services – Community Pharmacy Leicestershire and Rutland

The community pharmacy contractual framework with the NHS (CPCF) outlines three types of services:

  1. Essential services – these are the nationally set, mandatory services that community pharmacies must provide as part of their contract with the NHS if they are to operate providing NHS services. It includes the dispensing of medicines and medical appliances, the disposal of unwanted or spare medicines, advising patients on self-care, providing advice on healthy living and providing medicines support following a hospital discharge
  2. Advanced services 
  3. Locally Commissioned Services – Add link to the LCS table I produced. Community pharmacies can also be contracted to provide locally commissioned services.   These are optional services such as Sexual Health service e.g. Emergency Hormone Contraceptive services. Alongside services commissioned by the NHS and other public bodies they may also provide private services – services not commissioned by public bodies, eg, travel health advice.