Independent Prescriber (IP) Pathfinder


Independent Prescriber (IP) Pathfinder

Form 2026 all new pharmacy graduates will be independent prescribers.

The IP pathfinder programme presents a unique opportunity for community pharmacy to redesign current pathways and play an increasing role in delivering clinical services in primary care. Pharmacist independent prescribers will be supporting patients from diagnosis to prescribing, providing advice, and delivering clinical services closer to people’s homes. The success of the programme is critical in tackling health inequalities, reducing pressure on other parts of the NHS and ensuring viability of the community pharmacy network.

Why get involved?

The application for EOI is now closed.

How do I get involved?

The application for EOI is now closed.

Further Information

Our acute illness strand (AI-PIPS) will focus on treating low acuity ear, nose and throat or upper respiratory tract infections requiring treatment with prescription only medicines.

One of the key underlying principles in the service is to establish a sustainable chronic disease PIPS model (CD-PIPS) that allows for the inclusion of further conditions. We will commence with asthma but aspire to include hypertension if concerns around pathology access governance can be resolved. Technology solutions for pathology access have been identified, and phlebotomy can be supported by the existing system walk-in service.