Rutland Health & Wellbeing

Health and Well-being Strategy

We are responsible for improving the health and well-being of people in Rutland and work closely with local health services to produced a Health and Well-being Strategy.

As a partnership we have agreed we will focus our work around three priorities:


  • Extending healthy life expectancy – In particular we want to target people aged 45 to 65 to help make sure they enter older life healthier and stay healthier for longer.
  • Reducing inequalities – Some groups in our community have poorer health or are likely to have poorer health than most other people. We want to reduce these inequalities so everyone has the chance to live healthily.
  • Health and Social Care Integration – We want to make sure that those who are most at risk get the right combination of care and support in the right place at the right time.

You can find more information regarding all the supported services here